MM EditV5

This is an all new version of MMedit for Windows and Linux.

What Does MM Edit do?  

The Maximite is a small and versatile computer running a full featured BASIC interpreter with 128K of working memory.
It will work with a standard VGA monitor and PC compatible keyboard and because the Maximite has its own built in SD memory card and BASIC language you need nothing more to start writing and running BASIC programs.
Further information is available from:

 MMEdit was created to simplify writing applications for the Maximite computer.
The first versions of MM Basic required line numbers, something that I was happy to leave behind when working on my PC!
MM Edit was created to help write programs on your PC and easily transfer them to the Maximite Computer.

Version 3.0 of MM Basic removed the need for line numbers so the original reason for MM Edit is no longer valid.

MMEdit V5 expands on the functions of MMEdit.



The main editor should look familiar and follows the usual standards. All the connections to devices is taken care of with the Maximite Control Centre (MMCC)

Selecting the 'go' button (right hand button) will send your current file to the control centre for uploading.

All the tool bars can be turned off if you are not using them. This saves precious screen space on small PCs

Finally the terminal window with 512 line scrollback (size is configurable.)



Current release date is
10 June, 2024

MMEdit5 Help

Installers  for V5.2.9
Windows installers:   32 bit   64 bit

Windows portable:   32 bit   64 bit  XP

Linux (tested on Mint Mate 20.3)


Installers  for V5.1.7
Windows installers:   32 bit   64 bit

Windows portable:   32 bit   64 bit

Linux (tested on Mint Mate 20.3)


Installers  for V5.0.5
Windows installers:   32 bit   64 bit

Windows portable:   32 bit   64 bit

Linux (tested on Mint Mate 20.3)

Raspberry PI (tested on bullseye)

Linux users may have to install additional packages (especially the qt subsystem):
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0
* Ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-3.0
* Ubuntu 20.04 / Raspberry PI Desktop
sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0
sudo apt-get  install qt5-default libqt5webkit5
