File Manager

The File Manager is reached from the MMCC Mode menu.
You need to have your device connected first.
The time on your device is set to the PC time to ensure that file time-stamps are correct when copying files to the device.

Note: If you have OPTION LCDPANEL CONSOLE set on a picomite, the transfer rate is painfully slow. Even listing a few files is too slow to be acceptable.

This example uses a picomite connected to com4.

Step 1. select the device type (picomite and picomiteVGA are treated the same).
select com port and baud rate. If your picomite is using the on-board USB, the baud rate doesn't matter.

Step 2. Connect to your device.

Select File Manager

To transfer files, select one or more files then click on " >>>" to transfer to the 'mite and "<<<" to transfer from the mite.
The abort button lets you interrupt a file transfer.
With the picomites, you can also select "Memory" to list the programs saved in flash. Click on SDcard to get back to SD storage.
With other micromites, 'memory' lets you transfer from program memory.
Selecting a file and clicking 'Edit' will open the PC file in MMEdit (Left hand side button) or the device current program into a new tab in MMEdit.
To edit a file on the device SDcard, you need to transfer the file to the PC first.

When working with the flash, it is one file at a time. If you have multiple files selected, only the first file will be transferred.
To copy a file to the picomite, it has to be loaded into program memory first before being saved to a flash slot.
This means that any existing program in current program memory is overwritten.
To transfer to a flash slot or 'current program', select the file on the PC and click on ">>>". You will be prompted to select the destination on the picomite.
You can overwrite an existing saved slot without any warning so think first!

Transferring from the picomite is direct from the flash to the PC. The current program is safe. Select the desired slot or current program and "<<<".
You will be prompted for a filename.

Transfers to and from the SDcard will use XMODEM while transfers to and from flash use AUTOSAVE and LIST

The PC folder will be remembered between sessions.

The first time you select a folder, there may be some delay as Windows has a think.

If you are connected to a WEBmite via Telnet, you have the option of using TFTP instead of XMODEM.

TFTP can only be used with the picomiteWEB when accessed via Telnet.
TFTP uses UDP and doesn't pass through routers very well. It is usually confined to local networks.
When it can be used, it is faster than XMODEM and doesn't pad any extra characters to the end of files.
In MMCC, all file transfers are treated as binary. A bit slower but saves trying to determine each file type.

You will need to install TFTP Cleint on your PC.

Adding TFTP to your PC
in Windows 11:
optional features
More Windows features
TFTP client

In Linux:
Install TFTP HPA (you need the HPA version to use the MMCC file manager with TFTP)
Edit the MMCC.inf file
TFTP file receive command = mate-terminal -x tftp -m binary %IP% -c get %RemoteFile% %LocalFile%
You need to edit the terminal name to suit your Linux installation
Your may have to use "terminal" on it's own or "gnome-terminal" etc
Do the same for the following line with "put"

Make the changes with MMCC shutdown or they will be lost.

All picomite family can use a Library for common subroutines. the ">Lib" button allows adding a file to the Library. 
If the library doesn't exist, it will be created. If the Library does exist, files can be added to the library through the flash slot option. 
This is also where you can delete the library and transfer it to the PC as if it's a normal program in a flash slot.


Last edited: 05 April, 2023