Compatible with:
DOS Maximite CMM MM150 MM170 MM+ MMX Picromite ArmiteL4 Armite F4 ArmiteH7 Picomite CMM2

CLASSIC(funct [, channel] )

Returns data from a Wii Classic controller. 
'channel' is optional and is the I2C channel for the controller (defaults to 3, the front panel).
'funct' is a 1 or 2 letter code indicating the information to return as follows: 
LX returns the position of the analog left joystick x axis 
LY returns the position of the analog left joystick y axis 
RX returns the position of the analog right joystick x axis 
RY returns the position of the analog right joystick y axis 
L returns the position of the analog left button 
R returns the position of the analog right button 
B returns a bitmap of the state of all the buttons. A bit will be set to 1 if the button is pressed. 
T returns the ID code of the controller - should be hex &H4200101 
The button bitmap is as follows: 
BIT 0: Button R 
BIT 1: Button start 
BIT 2: Button home 
BIT 3: Button select 
BIT 4: Button L 
BIT 5: Button down cursor 
BIT 6: Button right cursor 
BIT 7: Button up cursor 
BIT 8: Button left cursor 
BIT 9: Button ZR 
BIT 10: Button x 
BIT 11: Button a 
BIT 12: Button y 
BIT 13: Button b 
BIT 14: Button ZL 
These bit positions are also used in the interrupt bitmask specified in the WII CLASSIC OPEN command


Last edited: 15 December, 2020